Posted on: January 7th, 2011

Thanks to you the History Channel has refused to air political propaganda and will not air The Kennedys miniseries!

We sent the History Channel over 50,000 people who raised their hands at Stop Kennedy Smears to refuse to watch their programming until they stopped running politically motivated fiction as historical 'fact'.

This is a great victory for the legacy of President Kennedy and for the entire Kennedy family.

Historians' Response to the Smears

"If the authors of this travesty had any conscience or any honesty they'd rename it. Call these people Sullivans or Schwartzes or some other name because they certainly aren't Kennedys as I know them."

"It struck me that the writer wanted to tell as distorted a story as possible, and find very little in the Kennedy years that possessed any dignity what so ever."

"I was amazed to find reading those pages that every single conversation with the President in the Oval office or elsewhere in which I according to the script participated, never happened. There were no such conversations... A minimum amount of research could've avoided the remarkable number of obvious errors of that kind in this script."

"The script becomes, historically, ever more loony and juvenile, as the writers invent more and more phony events to give an impression of a President Kennedy out of his depth, and dependent on others for advice."